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Muharram & Karbala
- Lectures, Supplications & Elegies (24)
- History (12)
- Muharram 1426 / 2005 Lectures (22)
- Muharram 1427 / 2006 Lectures (9)
- Muharram 1428/2007 Lectures (11)
- Muharram 1429/2008 Lectures (34)
Resources pertaining to the month of Muharram & the tragedy of Karbala in which the Prophet's Grandson, Imam Hussain (as), and his family were martyred. Click here to view the 2008 Muharram lectures being recited at various Islamic Centers around the world.
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Full-Length Text In-Depth / Journal Articles Article / Short-Length Text Personal Contributions Web Links
(36) (4) (13) (15) (3) (1)
In-Depth / Journal Articles 'Ashura - Misrepresentations and Distortions by Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari Views: 30858
4 sermons from Ayatullah Mutahhari on distortions that have taken place in regard to the events of 'Ashura.

In-Depth / Journal Articles A Glance at Historiography in Shi'ite Culture by Rasul Ja'fariyan Views: 10359
Shi'i historians throughout history and their works on the prophets, kalami, hadithi, and maqtal literature, cities and regions, and the 12 Imams.
Personal Contributions A Journey Views: 14209
A poem on the tragedy of Karbala.

Article / Short-Length Text A Short Commentary of Ziyarat Ashura by Ali Asghar Azizi Tehrani Views: 7296
Full-Length Text A'zadari - 40 Ahadith Views: 14314
Article / Short-Length Text After Shahadat by Dr. Ali Shariati Views: 10966
The importance and significance of Shahadat (martyrdom). The role of a Shahid. Lessons from the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a). From the book 'Jihad and Shahadat' by Dr. Shariati.

Article / Short-Length Text An Everlasting Instruction - Imam al-Ĥusayn’s (‘a) Journey to Makka by Abū Muĥammad Zaynu’l 'Ābidīn Views: 6407
Part of the Hajj 2004 handouts prepared by scholars of the Hawza.

Full-Length Text Arabic Accounts of al-Husayn's Martyrdom by I.K.A Howard Views: 4590
An attempt to reconstruct the tradition of historical writing about the martyrdom of the Imam al‑Husayn. The narrative into 8 distinct sections.

In-Depth / Journal Articles Ashura Lectures 1990 by Dr. I.K.A Howard Views: 2200
Article / Short-Length Text Dhakiri by Mulla Bashir Rahim Views: 4529
Evolution of Dhakiri, the remembrance of the tragedy of Karbala, and its philosophy.

Article / Short-Length Text Editorial Muharram by Al-Tawhid Journal Editors Views: 1817
An editorial of Tawhid Journal covering: Significance of the month of Muharram, responsibility of the Dhakir, duty of enjoining Good and forbidding evil and Contextualizing the Struggle with the Current State of Muslims.

In-Depth / Journal Articles Elegy (Marthiya) on Husayn by Lynda Clarke Views: 6470
The place of marthiya in literary and religious tradition, with translations of some examples of elegies on Imam Husayn (a).

Full-Length Text Events and Circumstances Surronding the Martrydom of al-Husain b. Ali by I.K.A Howard (Ph.D) Views: 2396
This account is based principally on the account of Abu Mikhnaf (d. 132 A.H.) as it has been preserved in the writings of al‑Tabari. It discusses the events that culminated in the murder of the Prophet's grandson.

In-Depth / Journal Articles Excellences of the Imam Husayn in Sunni Hadith Tradition by M. Ayoub Views: 7404
The life of Imam Husayn has acquired special significance in Muslim piety and has a universal significance in all of Muslim tradition.

Personal Contributions From Karbala to Madinah by Amina Inloes Views: 6821
Interpretation of the tragedy of Karbala in the form of a play. Includes multiple play scenes, dialogue, sound effects, and list of characters.

In-Depth / Journal Articles Imam Husain And His Martyrdom by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, London, 1931. Views: 15864
The month of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar, brings with it the memory of the sacrifice of Imam Husayn [a], the grandson of Prophet Muhammad [s], and his noble family and friends. This short text reflects the deep admiration of its author towards Imam Husayn [a] and an insight into the tragedy of Karbala, its reasons and its consequences. It is presented with the hope that it will foster the Islamic unity and the brotherly love that the author seeks in his preface.

Article / Short-Length Text Imam Husayn (views of Non Muslims) Views: 7653
An Islamic Factsheet: Short and concise articles on a single subject in numerous languages. Excellent for quick reading, Muslim centers or places of learning, da'wah purposes, or to give to your friends and coworkers. Part of the Personalities Factsheets.

In-Depth / Journal Articles Karbala and Imam Husayn in Persian and Indo-Muslim literature by Annemarie Schimmel Views: 5349
The importance of elegies on Imam Husayn as literary works, and an explanation of some of their major themes and imagery.

In-Depth / Journal Articles Karbala: An enduring paradigm of Islamic revivalism by Sayyid Wahid Akhtar Views: 3474
The impact of the mourning of Imam Husayn (a) in Islamic history

Article / Short-Length Text Karbala: The Islamic Conscience by Mulla Bashir Rahim Views: 3613
The mission of Imam Husayn (a). Case studies of two martyrs in Karbala: Zuhayr ibn Qayn, and Hur bin Yazid.

Ahlul Bayt - Imam Husayn [a]
Imam Husayn (a), the third Imam, at Karbala
The Track of Blood:  A poem on Imam Husayn [a]
The Excellences of Imam Husayn In Sunni Hadith Tradition
Elegy (Marthiya) on Husayn: Arabic and Persian
Karbala and the Imam Husayn in Persian and Indo-Muslim literature
Karbala - Chain of Events
The Concept Of Martyrdom In Islam
History of the Shrines (Burial Places)
Pilgrimage Sites
Ziyarat (salutation) Waritha
'Ashura: Misrepresentations and Distortions
The Revolution of Imam Husayn [a]
Karbala, an enduring paradigm of Islamic revivalism
Sorrows and Sufferings
Lecture: Nasrun minallahi ... (Urdu)
Dhakiri (Remembrance of the tragedy of Karbala)
Guide to online Audio and Video resources for Muharram
The Fast of 'Ashura
Martyrdom of Imam Husayn and the Muslim and Jewish Calendars
Imam Husayn's Concepts of Religion and Leadership
Abdullah Yusuf Ali's "Imam Husain and His Martyrdom"
A Probe into the History of Ashura
Nafasul Mahmoom (The Sigh of the Aggrieved)
Why Commemorate the Tragedy?
Our Husayn (a), Mourning him and his Karbala
A Journey: Poem about Karbala
The History and Philosophy of Aza of Imam Husayn (a)
Karbala, the Cause
Karbala, the Conscience
Karbala, the Pleasure of Allah
The Sermon of Mina
The Battle of Karbala
The Shuhada I Collection
The Shuhada II Collection
Karbala, an enduring paradigm of Islamic revivalism
Dhakiri (Remembrance of the tragedy of Karbala)
Guide to online Audio and Video resources for Muharram
Victory of Truth: Life of Zaynab bt. 'Ali
Abdullah Yusuf Ali's "Imam Husain and His Martyrdom"
Multimedia A`amaal for the Day of Ashura